Talent Database is a management tool that keeps track of influencers and their social metrics. The goal of this redesign was to help the sales team increase revenue by improving the sales sheet and influencer list creation process. Social metrics and insights were added to each influencer's profile page, allowing the sales team to make informed decisions when choosing talent for various campaigns.
The average new hire receives limited hands-on training on how to use the app. Stunted user adoption due to inefficiencies in sales sheet and influencer list creation process. App is bloated with rarely used features and as a result slows down the performance. Users would have to leave the list or sales sheet page that they were on in order to add an influencer. The tech team is inundated with support requests because of confusing user interface within the app. The influencer's profile page design is inadequate to be client facing.
Design a homepage featuring 4 of the most common tasks performed by the sales team for quick access and improved efficiency. Implement progressive disclosure and type ahead in the creation of sales sheet and influencer list to reduce error and speed up process. Deprecate rarely used features to reduce visual clutter. Refactor code to improve app's performance (search feature). Allow user to add influencers to an existing list or sales sheet from any page. Redesign influencer profile page to include near real-time social metrics and insights on their highest performing campaigns, allowing sales team to make informed decisions on which influencers to choose for particular campaigns.
Through our user research process we've identified that our primary user of the Talent Database is usually someone in their early to mid 20s. The users are almost all from the Sales department.
Our team presented to the CTO and elaborated on why a Talent Database redesign was necessary. I took the lead in doing research and developing an ROI deck for the presentation.
I collaborated with engineering and product teams to evaluate and uncover any usability issues in the original design. We then documented and prioritized any UI/UX issues that were found. Accessibility issues were given the highest priority and the updates were done in an iterative process.
Details page
Several rounds of online card sorting were conducted with multiple users to establish the information architecture of the influencer's profile page.
Once logged in, users are immediately sent to the homepage, where they are presented with 4 of the most common tasks that they do on a daily basis.
Details page
Influencers page